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In this article, we’re going to dive into the offerings of the most prominent players in the hosting industry, and wade through their plans, infrastructure, and reputation among users, to give you recommendations for the best hosting provider for your needs.


We divided hosting vendors into three categories:


  • general-purpose shared hosting providers

  • WordPress — specialized premium providers, and

    WordPress –专业的高级提供商,以及
  • unmanaged, dedicated server solutions


通用共享托管服务提供商 (General-purpose Shared Hosting Providers)

This category covers the widest part of the hosting market — from the entry-level shared plans to prosumer and premium offerings with dedicated resources and different levels of support.



A2 Hosting was founded in 2003 in Michigan, USA. They offer entry-level shared hosting packages, managed VPS and dedicated servers and seller hosting.

A2 Hosting于2003年在美国密歇根州成立。 他们提供入门级共享托管软件包,托管VPS和专用服务器以及卖方托管。

Their shared packages are standard cPanel packages, with SSD-based storage and a promise of reserved CPU and RAM resources — even with the smallest of plans.


Their LITE plan begins at $2.96 per month, which allows for one website. Their SWIFT plan has unlimited websites, starting with $3.70 per month. And their TURBO plan starts at $7.03 per month. These prices are — as the A2 website claims — a 63% discount.

他们的LITE计划每月起价为2.96美元,可容纳一个网站。 他们的SWIFT计划有无限的网站,每月$ 3.70起。 而他们的TURBO计划起价为每月$ 7.03。 正如A2网站所声称的那样,这些价格有63%的折扣。

They offer free migration, 24/7 support, DDOS protection and “99.99% uptime commitment”, which is always nice to know.

他们提供免费迁移,24/7支持,DDOS保护和“ 99.99%的正常运行时间承诺” ,这是很高兴知道的。

The flagship plan that distinguishes A2 is the TURBO package, which servers — an excellent replacement for Apache, which also brings with it a .

区别A2的旗舰计划是TURBO软件包,该软件包服务器-是Apache的绝佳替代品,还带来了 。

Underlying LiteSpeed allows A2 to offer as an experimental plan.

底层LiteSpeed允许A2 计划中提供作为实验 。

A2 offers four possible server locations — two data centers in the US, one in Singapore and one in Amsterdam, so they’ll have you covered in most parts of the world.


For more details .

有关更多详细信息, 。


SiteGround is a “holding of companies registered in the USA, UK, Bulgaria, and Spain that manages four offices and several ”. Established in 2004, it has become somewhat of an institution in the hosting world that’s been recommended by WordPress itself.

SiteGround是“在美国,英国,保加利亚和西班牙注册的公司的控股公司, 管理着四个办事处和几个 ”。 成立于2004年,它已成为WordPress本身推荐的托管世界中的一个机构。

SiteGround’s hosting range is similar to A2’s, and starts from the entry-level shared packages all the way to cloud products and dedicated servers. The company also offers bespoke enterprise solutions.

SiteGround的托管范围类似于A2的托管范围,从入门级共享软件包开始,一直到云产品和专用服务器。 该公司还提供定制的企业解决方案。

SiteGround offers similar to A2’s plans — although its GrowBig and GoGeek plans cost a bit more than a comparable A2 plan.

SiteGround提供与A2计划相似的 -尽管其GrowBig和GoGeek计划的成本比类似的A2计划高一些。

However, SiteGround does offer free daily backups across all the plans, free migration on GrowBig and GoGeek — as well as staging installation, which is handy for more professional setups.


Use of resources for each plan is limited in terms of server processes, simultaneous connections, CPU seconds, RAM, cronjob intervals — and they are specific and transparent about it, which is a plus.


One caveat to note is that the prices mentioned above are promotional prices for the first year of signup, and renews at a higher price after that.


SiteGround’s server stack consists of in front of Apache — which means that even SiteGround’s StartUp plan is not constrained by .

SiteGround的服务器堆栈由组成, Apache前面的 -这意味着SiteGround的StartUp计划也不受约束。

Screenshot of a Facebook reply from SiteGround

We use NGINX as a reverse proxy for caching, standing in front of an Apache server. This means that cached results get zero latency from the web server, PHP or MySQL services. The content comes our directly from the server’s memory. It’s as if you’re fetching an HTML file — mostly networking between you and the server, and of course the size of your content. — Hristo Pandjarov

我们将NGINX用作Apache服务器前的缓存反向代理。 这意味着缓存的结果从Web服务器,PHP或MySQL服务获得的延迟为零。 内容直接来自服务器的内存。 就像您要获取一个HTML文件一样-主要是您与服务器之间的网络连接,当然还有内容的大小。 —克里斯托·潘杰罗夫

They offer server locations in the UK, USA, continental Europe and Asia (Singapore).


SiteGround has also recently , which will increase site loading speed even if there’s poor internet connectivity at your location.

SiteGround最近还 ,即使您所在位置的互联网连接较差,该也将提高站点加载速度。

For more details .

有关更多详细信息, 。


Bluehost was , and enjoyed immense popularity until 2011, when it was . Since the acquisition, it has remained one of the most prominent players in the hosting scene, but it has been plagued by .

Bluehost 年 ,并在2011年之前一直享有很高的知名度。 自从收购以来,它一直是托管领域中最杰出的参与者之一,但是受到了困扰。

Bluehost home page

Bluehost offers a similar range of products to the others — from entry-level shared plans to VPS, dedicated servers, ecommerce and WordPress packages. But it currently offers the lowest prices of the three mentioned in this category (for a 36-month term; prices go up as you’d expect for shorter terms).

Bluehost提供与其他产品类似的产品-从入门级共享计划到VPS,专用服务器,电子商务和WordPress软件包。 但目前,它提供的价格是该类别中三个价格中的最低价格(为期36个月;价格上涨,如您期望的更短)。

Bluehost packages

All but the smallest of these plans include unlimited resources (SSD Storage). However, do note that in the fine print of their :

这些计划中,除最小计划外,所有计划都包括无限资源(SSD存储)。 但是,请注意,在其的精巧印刷中:

While rare, we occasionally constrain accounts utilizing more resources than should be the case in the normal operation of a personal or small business website.


Negative Bluehost facebook post

Hosting Recommendations Please


We’re looking for fast, reliable + scalable hosting for 100+ WordPress sites (of varying sizes) with WHM + cPanel.

我们正在寻找通过WHM + cPanel为100多个WordPress网站(大小不一)提供快速,可靠和可扩展的托管。

Been migrating to Bluehost Dedicated server and it’s just not cutting it. Support is slow and the server has been dropping in and out over the past 24 hours + turns out the resources are capped (despit what “sales” said).

正在迁移到Bluehost专用服务器,但并没有削减它。 支持速度很慢,并且服务器在过去的24小时内一直在进出服务器+证明资源受到限制(请说明“销售”的内容)。

“No specified limits to resources” in this case may translate to “no guaranteed resources”. Even before the EIG acquisition, Bluehost had introduced a — so be warned. You can read more about Bluehost’s restrictions regarding resources .

在这种情况下,“没有指定的资源限制”可能会转化为“没有保证的资源”。 甚至在收购EIG之前,Bluehost就已经提出了 ,因此请注意。 您可以阅读有关Bluehost有关资源限制的更多信息。

On its bigger plans, Bluehost offers SSH access, cron jobs, daily backups etc. But it’s mostly oriented toward the entry-level market.


Bluehost has some perks and a custom management web UI .

Bluehost有一些特权和的自定义管理Web UI。

As for the server locations — Bluehost doesn’t offer straightforward information, but besides Utah, USA, they seem to have data centers in and India (Mumbai).


专门的高级WordPress主机 (Specialized Premium WordPress Hosts)


WPEngine was founded in 2010 in Texas, USA, and quickly conquered the enterprise WordPress hosting market. In 2011, Automattic (the company behind WordPress) took part in its .

WPEngine于2010年在美国德克萨斯州成立,并Swift征服了企业WordPress托管市场。 2011年,Automattic(WordPress背后的公司)参加了 。

They have — at $35, $115 and $290 per month — and custom plans for mission-critical, large websites.

他们有 -每月35美元,115美元和290美元-以及任务关键型大型网站的自定义计划。

The WPEngine website is not fully transparent about the server stack used, nor about the resources allocated to each plan. Beyond the mention of the latest PHP version and MySQL, and some fairly vague descriptions about , it doesn’t specify many other details about server software, containerization, etc.

WPEngine网站对于使用的服务器堆栈或分配给每个计划的资源并不完全透明。 除了提到最新PHP版本和MySQL,以及关于一些模糊描述之外,它没有指定有关服务器软件,容器化等的许多其他详细信息。

But some serious perks for going with WPEngine include migrations to WPEngine, provided , as well as staging environments and SSH access. Additionally, WPEngine has data centers spread all around the globe.

但是,与WPEngine一起使用时,一些严重的好处包括提供的WPEngine迁移,暂存环境和SSH访问。 此外,WPEngine的数据中心遍布全球。

In 2018, WPEngine acquired StudioPress and Array Themes, so now their users get all the benefits of the Genesis theme framework, and its child themes, for free.

在2018年,WPEngine收购了StudioPress和Array Themes,因此他们的用户现在免费获得Genesis主题框架及其子主题的所有好处。

And as recently as June 2019, WPEngine , another premium WordPress hosting provider, so this is definitely a space to be watching for improvements in their range and quality of products.

而就在最近的2019年6月,WPEngine 另一家高级WordPress托管提供商 ,因此这绝对是一个可以观察其产品范围和产品质量改进的空间。

WPEngine has a top reputation, and their partnership with Automattic is impressive. But we must also note that, lately, about their performance have been popping up. All that said, there’s also a vast number of users vouching for WPEngine’s quality. You can read some in this .

WPEngine享有很高的声誉,他们与Automattic的合作关系令人印象深刻。 但是,我们还必须指出,最近,有关其性能的不断增加。 综上所述,WPEngine的质量也得到了众多用户的认可。 您可以在此阅读一些内容。

If you’re interested in going with WPEngine, we should also note that right now you can get 3 months free if you sign up for an annual plan.



Kinsta is a newcomer in this category. It was founded in 2013, with offices in the USA, UK and Hungary. Kinsta offers twenty server locations, and its infrastructure is built on Google Cloud infrastructure.

Kinsta是该类别的新手。 它成立于2013年,在美国,英国和匈牙利设有办事处。 Kinsta提供20个服务器位置,其基础架构基于Google Cloud基础架构。

Like the rest of the lineup in this category, Kinsta’s packages are not the cheapest in the market, but they are good value for what you get.


They have , ranging from $30 a month to $1500 per month, so you have plenty of options to choose from in regards to your needs and budget.

他们有 ,范围从每月30美元到每月1500美元不等,因此您可以根据自己的需要和预算选择多种选择。

The differences in the plans, aside from price, vary for things like storage (SSD), the number of PHP workers, the number of monthly visits and limits to the number of WordPress installations you can have.


Kinsta provides a fairly extensive list of the technical inclusions in its plans. It includes one-click staging environments, daily backups, SSH access on all its plans, detailed performance analytics. All Kinsta’s plans also include .

Kinsta在其计划中提供了相当广泛的技术内容清单。 它包括一键式登台环境,每日备份,所有计划上的SSH访问,详细的性能分析。 Kinsta的所有计划还包括 。

Kinsta uses LXD host containers on Google Cloud infrastructure, with LXC containers for every site. These LXC containers then use the latest LEMP stack — NGINX, PHP 7.3, MariaDB.

Kinsta在Google Cloud基础架构上使用LXD主机容器,并为每个站点使用LXC容器。 然后,这些LXC容器使用最新的LEMP堆栈-NGINX,PHP 7.3,MariaDB。

Kinsta also claims to offer 24/7 support by WordPress experts — with a guaranteed reply within two minutes, though we have not personally verified this.



Pagely was , in Arizona, USA — so it’s the oldest in this group. Pagely is mainly on focused on enterprise clients, which include VISA, Disney, Booking.com, Time Inc, Panasonic, and Comcast, so it has a pretty impressive pedigree when it comes to clients. And Pagely’s reflect this: its cheapest plan starts at $199, and its most expensive is $2,249 per month.

Pagely ,位于美国亚利桑那州,因此是该集团中最古老的一家。 Pagely主要针对企业客户,包括VISA,迪士尼,Booking.com,Time Inc,Panasonic和Comcast,因此在客户方面有相当不错的血统。 Pagely的反映了这一点:最便宜的计划起价为199美元,最昂贵的计划为每月2249美元。

Pagely provides VPS servers even with its cheapest plans — so isolation of resources shouldn’t be an issue.


Pagely also has some pretty innovative products in the WordPress niche, like serverless infrastructure for WordPress (this product is fairly fresh at the time of writing, so we may get back to you on that).


Pagely’s is built on Amazon AWS.

Pagely的基于Amazon AWS。

Pagely WP hosting

Pagely also offers free migrations, daily backups, and some — even for the most specific needs. Its support is — but you’d hope so at this price range.

Pagely还提供免费迁移,每日备份以及一些 -即使是针对最特定的需求。 它的支持很 -但您希望在这个价格范围内也是如此。

非托管VPS托管 (Non—managed VPS Hosting)


DigitalOcean was founded in 2011, with headquarters in New York, USA. It have — in the USA, Canada, UK, Europe and Asia.

DigitalOcean成立于2011年,总部位于美国纽约。 它有 -在美国,加拿大,英国,欧洲和亚洲。

DigitalOcean offers VPS “droplets” — KVM-based virtual machines. KVM virtualization provides some protection from overselling, and decent isolation, with prices starting from $5 per month, which is good if you mostly need it for development purposes.

DigitalOcean提供VPS“液滴” —基于KVM的虚拟机。 KVM虚拟化提供了一些保护,防止过度销售和良好的隔离,其价格从每月5美元起,如果您主要出于开发目的而需要它,那就很好了。

DigitalOcean also provides daily backups, which are a luxury in this category — but automatic backups are charged separately, and are performed once a week. The backups are a snapshot of a droplet at a given moment.

DigitalOcean还提供每日备份,在这种情况下是一种奢侈-但是自动备份是单独收费的,每周执行一次。 备份是给定时刻的小滴快照。

DigitalOcean backups

It also has available — for horizontal scaling, and firewalls.

它还具有可用的 -用于水平扩展和防火墙。

DigitalOcean firewall

DigitalOcean also offers , cloud databases and storage, and private networking among the machines for running database clusters and distributed systems.

DigitalOcean还提供 ,云数据库和存储,以及用于运行数据库集群和分布式系统的机器之间的专用网络。

DigitalOcean featured products

DigitalOcean’s allow even the not-so-tech-savy users to make use of Linux servers, and its is quite extensive and goes well beyond its own products.


All in all, DigitalOcean offers a very robust option for the non-managed VPS hosting category. It also has a multitude of plan options with decent prices, so you’ll only pay for what you need, which is always handy.

总而言之,DigitalOcean为非托管VPS托管类别提供了非常强大的选项。 它还具有价格合理的众多计划选项,因此您只需为需要的商品付费,这总是很方便的。


Linode was founded in 2003 in Philadelphia, USA. It’s one of the older players in the unmanaged VPS market. It has 11 data centers available — in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, Germany, India, Singapore and Japan.

Linode于2003年在美国费城成立。 它是不受管理的VPS市场中较老的参与者之一。 它在美国,加拿大,英国,澳大利亚,德国,印度,新加坡和日本拥有11个数据中心。

Linode managed servers

As a rare thing in this category, Linode also offers managed services, from server tunings, to migrations, software deployments, and system administration — at a premium, of course. It offers block storage for network-connected storage needs, S3-compatible Object Storage for unstructured data and static site hosting, and a managed Kubernetes service.

作为此类产品中的稀有产品,Linode还提供从服务器调整到迁移,软件部署和系统管理的托管服务,这当然是一笔高价。 它提供了满足网络连接存储需求的块存储,用于非结构化数据和静态站点托管的S3兼容对象存储以及托管的Kubernetes服务。

Its plans used to start at $20 per month, but with stiff competition from DigitalOcean and other competitors, Linode’s plans now start at a competitively priced $5 per month, just like DigitalOcean.


Linode keeps things a bit simpler than DigitalOcean — but it does offer a number of interesting add-ons. Like many providers, this includes a range of One-Click installs, from apps like WordPress, Minecraft, and cPanel to tech stacks, such as LAMP, LEMP, or MEAN. Its server monitoring solution is one of the more interesting add-ons, as well as its .

Linode使事情比DigitalOcean更加简单-但它确实提供了许多有趣的附加组件。 像许多提供商一样,这包括一系列的一键安装,从WordPress,Minecraft和cPanel等应用程序到LAMP,LEMP或MEAN等技术堆栈。 它的服务器监视解决方案以及更是更有趣的附加组件之一。


Vultr was founded in 2014, in New Jersey, USA — as a “bare metal” VPS provider. It has in North America, Europe and Asia.

Vultr于2014年成立于美国新泽西州,是一家“裸机” VPS供应商。 它在北美,欧洲和亚洲拥有 。

Vultr also offers one-click installations for its most popular server software. But the main focus of Vultr has always been simplicity, quality of the infrastructure, and speed — with minimal handholding. Vultr offers automatic backups at daily, weekly or monthly intervals, which will have a 20% higher base monthly / hourly rate. But it does offer free snapshots.

Vultr还为其最受欢迎的服务器软件提供一键式安装。 但是Vultr的主要重点始终是简单性,基础架构的质量和速度-最少的手持性。 Vultr按每天,每周或每月的间隔提供自动备份,这将使每月/每小时的基本备份率提高20%。 但是它确实提供了免费的快照

Vultr snapshots

With minimal fuss and handholding, Vultr is able to offer very competitive pricing. Vultr’s compute instances start at an incredible $2.50 per month — which will get a user 512MB of RAM — and go up to 96GB RAM instances at $640 per month. Pricing plans are also very granular, so you can pick only what you need.

只需花费很少的精力和精力,Vultr就可以提供极具竞争力的价格。 Vultr的计算实例起价为每月$ 2.50,这将为用户提供512MB的RAM,并以每月640美元的价格增加到96GB的RAM实例。 定价计划也非常详细,因此您只能选择所需的内容。

结论 (Conclusion)

We compared hosting providers across three different categories.


In the general-purpose category, our recommendation goes to . It has by far the best result on , and excellent reviews by . It also has excellent transparency regarding its plans and resource allocation.

在通用类别中,我们的建议转到 。 迄今为止,它在上了最佳结果, 得到了好评。 它还在计划和资源分配方面具有出色的透明度。

Poll results

However, a caveat to note is that, with all its features, SiteGround is not the cheapest option around. It has an excellent promotional price for the first year, but after that the prices get a bit steeper than those of competitors. SiteGround is more of a mid-tier option than an entry-level provider.

但是,需要注意的是,就其所有功能而言,SiteGround并不是最便宜的选择。 第一年它有很好的促销价格,但是在那之后,价格要比竞争对手高一些。 SiteGround比入门级提供程序更多地是中间层选项。

In the premium WordPress category — it was a close one, but we’re giving it to . Pagely edges to the front with its suite of offerings; it’s hard to deny Pagely that. But like SiteGround, Pagely’s pricing is on the steeper end. But we’d argue that Kinsta offers very good value for money, it’s transparent about the infrastructure, it provides a guarantee of dedicated resources by isolation, and users speak of top-notch support. We should also mention that Kinsta also has a very user-friendly dashboard that should make things easy to manage for the less tech savy users.

在高级WordPress类别中-这是一个接近的类别,但我们将其提供给 。 佩吉利(Pagely)凭借其整套产品而跻身前列; 很难否认Pagely。 但是,与SiteGround一样,Pagely的定价也处于较高水平。 但是我们认为Kinsta具有很好的性价比,它对基础架构透明,它通过隔离提供专用资源的保证,并且用户可以说是一流的支持。 我们还应该提到,Kinsta还有一个非常用户友好的仪表板,对于技术含量较低的用户来说,它应该使事情变得易于管理。

In the VPS category, , with its very competitive pricing and simple management, takes the crown — with DigitalOcean being a close second. It’s our preference for a cheap, no-fuss option that swings our vote in Vultr’s favor, but if you prefer or need a bit more support and documentation, then we’d recommend a more robust option like DigitalOcean instead.

在VPS类别中, 以其具竞争力的价格和简单的管理 。 我们倾向于便宜,无忧的选择,这会激发我们对Vultr的支持,但是,如果您希望或需要更多支持和文档,则我们建议使用像DigitalOcean这样的更强大的选择。

We know that experiences with different vendors may vary. Do you have anything to add to this comparison? Let us know in the comments.

我们知道与不同供应商的经验可能会有所不同。 您有什么要添加到此比较中的吗? 让我们在评论中知道。




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